Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Despite the increased popularity of action-oriented RPGs in the gaming world, classic turn-based RPGs have continuously charmed players with their strategic combat and engaging narratives. Battle Chasers: Nightwar, developed by Airship Syndicate and published by THQ Nordic, is a perfect example of this genre. Serving as an adaptation of Joe Madureira’s comic book series Battle Chasers, Nightwear carries its source material's essence into a beautifully crafted game world rich with lore and intricate gameplay elements.

Look into the Gameplay

Battle Chasers: Nightwar draws heavily from traditional RPG mechanics but layers them with its unique charm. Players traverse through a host of varied environments in a top-down exploration mode, diving into randomly spawned dungeons offering different difficulty levels.

A significant aspect of the gameplay lies in its turn-based combat, bringing back the classic JRPG vibe but with a modern twist. Players can control up to three characters, each with unique abilities that befit specific roles like tank, healer, or damage dealer. Strategic use of abilities is key as battles progress, making each encounter an exciting blend of strategy and tactics.

Delving into the game further, an intricate crafting and upgrading system for weapons, armor, and magical artifacts becomes invaluable. This ties closely to the game's exploration and dungeon-crawling aspects, encouraging players to spend time in its detailed world.

Although Battle Chasers: Nightwar garners much praise, it’s not without weaknesses. One common criticism is the game's uneven pacing. The level of grinding required to progress can feel excessively slow, a trait potentially frustrating for players used to more fast-paced RPGs. Additionally, despite its beautifully crafted world, a lack of more prominent side-quests often leaves exploration feeling a bit unrewarding.

Users' Impressions and Conclusion

In the player community, Battle Chasers: Nightwar has been warmly embraced. Users often praise its lush artwork, engaging combat, and a richly developed world drawn directly from its comic book inspiration. Moreover, the strategic depth of combat has proved satisfying for players looking for a brain-engaging experience beyond mere button mashing.

On the downside, many players have voiced concerns over the game's pacing. The frequent need for level grinding, coupled with a dearth of side missions, sometimes results in sections of play deemed monotonous. Nevertheless, the general consensus applauds Nightwar's nostalgic yet modern take on turn-based RPGs.


In its totality, Battle Chasers: Nightwar stands as a lovingly crafted homage to classic turn-based RPGs, with an aesthetic drawn from revered comic-book artistry. It brings a unique blend of strategy and narrative, making it a must-try for RPG enthusiasts, and should serve as an inviting foray into the genre for newcomers. Despite its few imperfections, it remains a brilliant game that can captivate players for hours.


  • Impressive comic-style artwork and world-building
  • Atmospheric soundtrack complementing the gameplay
  • Deep turn-based combat system requiring strategic planning


  • Slow-paced progression and frequent need for level grinding
  • Lack of extensive side-quests can reduce the incentive for exploration
  • Some players may find the combat system complex

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