Steam Launch and Season 2 of Diablo IV Experiences Delay Due to Technical Glitches

Andrew Arnold

17 Oct, 2023

Steam Launch and Season 2 of Diablo IV Experiences Delay Due to Technical Glitches

Diablo IV Season 2 is now up and running after a slight derailment from the initially scheduled time, coinciding with the game's debut on the wider Steam platform. However, due to an unresolved technical glitch, the intended cross-play functionality between PC and console gamers is temporarily non-operational. Blizzard, the game's developer, assures players that it is working hard to rectify this issue and promises to furnish updates as developments unfold.

The widely anticipated Season 2 of Diablo IV and its much-awaited launch on Steam have been postponed by a few hours, as confirmed by Blizzard.

According to Blizzard's Twitter update, unforeseen "complications" have necessitated a minor delay in the roll-out of 'Season of Blood' and Diablo IV's launch on Steam. The game's developer reassured fans with a promise to share more detailed information as it becomes available.

On the Diablo IV forums, SinfulScribe, the community manager from Blizzard's team, disclosed encountering "technical glitches with their current build." Some players on Reddit have reported encountering reduced download speeds and a specific error code 300010 upon updating the game that indicates a mismatch in the game assets between the user's device and the server. In response to these concerns on Reddit, SinfulScribe reported that Blizzard is already on the case.

'Season of Blood' promises to bring fresh excitement to Diablo IV, with Blizzard planning a significant rehaul that includes rebalancing several game aspects, adding novel seasonal mechanics like Vampiric Powers, dramatically scaling down the tedious endgame grind of Diablo IV, and introducing vital improvements to aspects like managing game inventory and Stashes.

With this new season, Diablo IV is also venturing onto Steam, becoming accessible on a PC platform beyond Blizzard's own proprietary launcher. Additionally, the game will be verified on Steam Deck. Diablo IV's move to Steam trails the launch of Overwatch 2, another popular Blizzard game, on Valve's platform earlier this year. Interestingly to note, the subsequent user review of Overwatch 2 classified it as the platform's most negatively reviewed game, but for an unexpected reason.
