The Road to Platinum: Trophy Hunting in Ghost of Tsushima

Sandro Costa

31 Mar, 2024

The Road to Platinum: Trophy Hunting in Ghost of Tsushima

Embarking on the journey to obtain the Platinum Trophy in Ghost of Tsushima is a venture that demands dedication, strategy, and a deep appreciation for the art of samurai warfare and exploration. The masterpiece from Sucker Punch Productions transports players into an expansive, stunningly beautiful open world, teeming with intriguing challenges, hidden secrets, and compelling narratives. It engulfs you in the saga of Jin Sakai, a dedicated samurai embarking on a heroic endeavor to safeguard Tsushima Island amidst the inaugural Mongol incursion into Japan. This guide is your roadmap to achieving the coveted Platinum Trophy, breaking down every essential step and providing tips to make your journey as smooth as possible.

Understanding Trophy Requirements

Before diving into the strategies, it's imperative to understand what you're up against. Ghost of Tsushima has a well-balanced list of trophies that encourage comprehensive exploration, skillful combat, and engagement with the game's rich narrative and cultural backdrop. Here are the broad categories into which these trophies fall:

  • Main Story Progression
  • Exploration and Discovery
  • Combat and Stealth Proficiency
  • Character Development and Gear Upgrades
  • Community and Cultural Activities

Accomplishing these tasks not only progresses you towards Platinum but also ensures a complete and fulfilling game experience.

Navigating the Main Story

The backbone of your Platinum Trophy quest is the main story. Completing Jin's journey is non-negotiable, as several trophies are directly tied to story progression. However, rather than rushing through, take your time to immerse yourself in the narrative, engage with characters, and let the story's pace naturally guide your exploration and combat skill development. Completing the story will unlock crucial abilities and areas necessary for other trophies.

Exploration and Discovery

Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima thrives on its open-world exploration. The island is segmented into three main areas, each unlocking progressively through the story. Here are key exploration-related trophies and tips for unlocking them:

Fox Dens and Inari Shrines

Scattered across Tsushima are numerous Inari Shrines, accessed via following foxes from their dens. Finding and honoring all shrines is not just a nod to Shinto traditions but also boosts Jin's charm slots, enhancing his abilities. Be thorough in your exploration and listen for the distinct sounds of nearby foxes.

Hot Springs, Haiku Spots, and Bamboo Strikes

Engaging in these cultural activities not only awards trophies but also permanently improves Jin's stats and skills. Hot Springs increase your health, Bamboo Strikes improve your resolve, and composing Haiku offers deep moments of reflection and beautiful scenery. These are marked on your map as you discover nearby areas, so explore thoroughly and complete them as they appear.

Liberating Tsushima

A significant portion of the map is under Mongol control. Liberating all locations is crucial for the "Liberator of Tsushima" trophy and also contributes to unlocking various gear and abilities. Use stealth, plan your attacks, and adapt your combat strategies to the different types of Mongol encampments.

Combat and Stealth Proficiency

Ghost of Tsushima

Combat is at the heart of Ghost of Tsushima, and mastering both the samurai and the ghost paths is essential. Numerous trophies are tied to defeating enemies with specific tactics or in duels. Here are some strategies to enhance your combat effectiveness:

Master the Stances

Switching effectively between stances to counter specific enemy types is key. Focus on unlocking all stances early and practice using them in combat to swiftly deal with any threat.

Stealth Tactics

While the way of the samurai is noble, the way of the ghost offers a strategic advantage against overwhelming odds, especially in heavily guarded areas. Trophies linked to stealth eliminations encourage you to diversify your approach. Utilize distractions, smoke bombs, and assassination techniques to thin out enemy ranks silently before engaging directly.

Character Development and Gear Upgrades

To stand a chance against the toughest adversaries Tsushima has to offer, investing in Jin's development and gear is crucial. Upgrading your sword, bow, and armor not only makes combat more manageable but is essential for certain trophies:

Collect Resources

Wood, iron, steel, and other materials are scattered throughout the island and are critical for upgrades. Prioritize looting during exploration and liberating Mongol territories to gather these resources.

Choose Your Upgrades Wisely

Ghost of Tsushima

While resources are abundant, they are not infinite. Focusing first on your primary weapon and armor upgrades ensures you're prepared for the more challenging confrontations.

Community and Cultural Activities

Finally, engaging with Tsushima's community and delving into its cultural heritage is not only rewarding in terms of gameplay but also essential for several trophies. This includes side quests, known as Tales of Tsushima, which deepen your connection to the world and its inhabitants. Completing all mythical tales, for instance, rewards you with unique gear and abilities that are invaluable for your Platinum Trophy journey.

Tips for Efficient Trophy Hunting

  • Make use of the game's 'Guiding Wind' feature to lead you to points of interest, significantly aiding in the completion of exploration-related trophies.
  • Regularly check your progress in the Trophy menu and set short-term goals for which trophies to pursue next.
  • Engage with the Ghost of Tsushima community online for tips and support. Many players share hidden locations and strategies that can be immensely helpful.


The road to Platinum in Ghost of Tsushima is a path of dedication, requiring not only skill and strategy but a willingness to immerse yourself fully in the world Sucker Punch has crafted. By following this guide, embracing every aspect of the game, and relishing the journey of Jin Sakai, the Platinum Trophy is not just an achievable goal, but a rewarding journey that solidifies Ghost of Tsushima as a memorable experience in your gaming legacy.

Remember, the way of the samurai is not one of haste. Take your time, explore thoroughly, and let the story of Jin and the island of Tsushima unfold naturally. Good luck, samurai. Your road to Platinum awaits.
