Unveiling the Lore: Top 5 Fascinating Backstories in Apex Legends

Sandro Costa

14 Sep, 2023

Unveiling the Lore: Top 5 Fascinating Backstories in Apex Legends

Part of the allure of Apex Legends, the fast-paced battle royale game, is the rich lore surrounding its characters. Each Legend has an intricate backstory meticulously woven into the tapestry of the game's narrative. Let's embark on a journey to explore the most compelling backstories among the Legends.

1. Wraith: From Science Pilot to Dimensional Skirmisher

apex legends wraith

Wraith, one of the most iconic Legends in Apex, has a story that spans across dimensions. Initially a senior science pilot for the ARES Division, she lost her memory due to a project accident testing phase shift technology. But her ordeal didn't end there. After being subjected to continuous tests, she eventually acquired her unique abilities thanks to an alternate-reality self who bestowed upon her a special device. Now, she fights in the Apex Games, hoping to reclaim her lost past.

2. Gibraltar: From Rebellious Youth to Protective Shield

Gibraltar's journey from a reckless youngster to the shield-bearing savior is a tale of guilt, sacrifice, and redemption. After a joyride gone wrong, his father lost an arm rescuing Gibraltar and his partner. This catastrophic event pushed Gibraltar to devote his life to protecting others, a calling he fulfills both in the Search and Rescue Association of Solace and the Apex Games.

3. Loba: Thief on a Quest for Revenge

apex legends Loba

Witnessing her parents' murder by Revenant, Loba's life as a petty thief took a dark turn. The silver wolf head, a gift from her deceased father, is a constant reminder of her tragic past. Harnessing her thieving skills, she now participates in the Apex Games with one objective: to avenge her parents.

4. Caustic: The Dark Scientist

Caustic, a character whose chilling backstory is as ominous as his abilities, started as a curious assistant at a pesticide laboratory. His morbid curiosity drove him to conduct unauthorized human experiments, leading to a dark path of aggressive behavior and unethical decisions. Now, he uses the Apex Games as his experimental playground, unleased and unbound.

5. Crypto: The Orphaned Hacker

apex legends Crypto

From being an orphan to a suspected murderer, Crypto's life has been a rollercoaster. After uncovering a secret about the Apex Games, he found himself framed for his foster sister's disappearance. Crypto now uses the Apex Games as a platform to prove his innocence and unravel the conspiracy surrounding him.

In conclusion, the backstories in Apex Legends add a profound depth to its characters, making the gaming experience not just a showdown of skills but also a deep dive into complex narratives and character development. The Legends are more than just avatars – they have pasts that drive their present actions, which makes us look forward to the stories still waiting to unfold.
