Cultivating Your Own Crops in LEGO Fortnite: A Farmer's Guide

Andrew Arnold

12 Dec, 2023

Cultivating Your Own Crops in LEGO Fortnite: A Farmer's Guide

Gone are the days when survival in the vibrant world of LEGO Fortnite solely depended on scavenging and foraging. Today, with a sprinkle of patience and a dash of resourcefulness, you can cultivate your very own garden and ensure a steady supply of food for your adventures. Embark on a journey from a novice gatherer to a seasoned farmer with these handy tips on planting seeds and reaping the bounties of your labor in the LEGO universe.

Step One: Crafting the Essential Shovel

Every great endeavor begins with the right tool, and in the realm of LEGO Fortnite, that tool is the shovel. Crafting a shovel is your initiation into the world of agriculture. You'll need this indispensable piece of equipment to prepare the ground where your future crops will flourish. Use the crafting station, and soon you'll be turning patches of dirt into fertile opportunities, ready for the seeds that will grow into nourishing produce.

Step Two: The Quest for Fertilizer

quest for fertilizer game screen

Plants crave nutrients, and in LEGO Fortnite, that nutrition comes in the form of fertilizer. While it may seem like a challenge, acquiring this precious resource can be a simple and even charming endeavor. As you traverse the Grasslands Biome, keep an eye out for the local fauna. These creatures are more than just scenic additions; they're your ticket to obtaining natural fertilizer. Here's the catch: you'll need to coax it out of them with some food. Raspberries, pumpkins, and corn are not just for your consumption—they're also perfect bait for animals. Offer these treats to cows, sheep, or chickens and watch nature take its course. Soon enough, you'll have the fertilizer needed for your garden plots.

Step Three: Creating a Fertile Foundation

With soil and fertilizer at your disposal, you're ready to lay down the foundation for your garden. It's time to construct the garden plot, your canvas for the art of cultivation. A simple construction process awaits you:

  • Enter building mode and navigate to the Utility category.
  • Select the Garden Plot for construction.
  • Gather the needed resources: 2x Soil and 1x Fertilizer.
  • Place your newly created Garden Plot on the designated farming area.

With these steps, your garden plot is now ready to nurture the seeds that will grow into sumptuous fruits and vegetables.

Step Four: Sowing the Seeds of Success

Plant Seeds screen gameplay

The moment has arrived to transform your plot into a bustling garden. Approach your garden plot with seeds in hand, ready to embark on the final and most rewarding step of the process. Here's how to get those seeds into the ground:

  1. Interact with the Garden Plot.
  2. Transfer any seeds from your inventory to the storage within the plot.
  3. Exercise patience as you wait for your crops to sprout and mature.

It's a straightforward process, but the satisfaction of watching your diligent efforts bear fruit—or vegetables—is incomparable.

Embrace the Farmer's Life

The road from a survivalist to a self-sufficient farmer may seem long, but it's filled with the joys of growth and self-reliance. In LEGO Fortnite, your ability to grow and sustain your resources can be the difference between simply scraping by and thriving. Take these steps to heart, nurture your garden, and you'll soon have a source of pride and nutrition that will fuel your adventures across the LEGO landscape. Embrace the rhythm of the land, and let the simple act of planting seeds be the cornerstone of your in-game existence.
