Mastering the Hierarchy of Classes in Remnant 2: Your Ultimate Archetype Guide

Sandro Costa

20 Nov, 2023

Mastering the Hierarchy of Classes in Remnant 2: Your Ultimate Archetype Guide

Navigating through the desolate and monster-ridden landscapes of Remnant 2 necessitates a combination of skill, strategic maneuvering, and the right class to back it up. With a pantheon of classes — or archetypes, as they are known in this universe — each bringing their own unique flair to combat, it's essential for players to align their choice with both their playstyle and the challenges ahead. In a game where every decision can be the difference between survival and defeat, understanding which archetype sits atop the food chain in the world of Remnant 2 is crucial. Below, we unravel the essence of what makes some archetypes the game's powerhouses and why others might not make the cut for your next foray.

The Crème De La Crème: Top-Tier Archetypes

The Crème De La Crème Top-Tier Archetypes

For those seeking superiority on the battlefield, certain archetypes outshine the rest with their exceptional abilities.

  • Handler: At the peak lies the ever-loyal Handler, whose canine companion isn't just for show. This trusty ally provides invaluable support, capable of reviving you when knocked down and diverting enemy attention, proving that teamwork extends beyond human understanding.
  • Medic: The Medic archetype is the safety net of any squad, offering an array of healing capabilities that are vitally scarce in Remnant 2. With skills that can shield and revive teammates, the Medic is the unsung hero who will pull the team through the most dire circumstances.
  • Archon: If you are one to favor weapon mods and their usage, the Archon's proficiency in this area makes it a formidable choice. After a labyrinthine journey to unlock it, players are rewarded with an archetype that expertly enhances their mod abilities.

While these archetypes stand tall, they do require a strategic mindset to utilize their strengths effectively. Handlers must protect their companions, Medics need to time their heals perfectly, and Archons should master their mods to unleash their full potential.

Steady Contenders: Skilled but Specialized

Steady Contenders Skilled but Specialized

Next in rank comes a roster of archetypes that, while not at the top of the food chain, are formidable in their rights and offer their own dynamic edge in combat situations.

  • Ritualist: With a focus on DoT effects, the Ritualist inches close to top-tier rank yet depends heavily on item synergy. While the grinding for gear is steep, the payoff is the destruction of anything that dares to stand in your path.
  • Gunslinger: Those who pre-ordered — or later unlocked — the Gunslinger enjoy a class that doles out great damage with unrivaled ammo conservation. The archetype's speed and ferocity are balanced by the vulnerabilities accompanying lean-on-range combat.
  • Engineer: The Engineer unleashes havoc with heavy gear and turrets, proving that the might of weaponry can often tilt the scales of a fight in your favor. This archetype is for those with an affinity for gadgets and unyielding firepower.

For players who select from this tier, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of their chosen archetype is key. Positioning, managing cooldowns, and playing to the class's particular strengths will ensure that these archetypes shine in their respective niches.

Archetypes with Potential: The Untapped Resources

Archetypes with Potential Untapped Resources

Not all archetypes are created equal in Remnant 2, and some require a more nuanced approach to wield effectively. The Challenger and Alchemist hold middle places, being both uniquely skilled and situational. The Challenger excels in face-to-face confrontations — perfect for the bold at heart, while the Alchemist is a boon for any group, augmenting abilities and acting as a pillar of support.

For the Curious and Adventurous: Explorer and Summoner

At the base of the archetype hierarchy lie the Explorer and Summoner, classes that ask for careful consideration and a playstyle tailored to their unique mechanics. The Explorer may not be a powerhouse, yet its utility for scavenging items can be invaluable for long-term gains. The Summoner, meanwhile, trades its own well-being for the strength of numbers, calling upon minions to create a mystifying battlefield for enemies.

While these archetypes might not offer the sheer force or sustainability of their higher-tier cousins, they invite players to embrace a different kind of strategy. Summoners should focus on health management, and Explorers must capitalize on mobility to turn the tides of war.

In Remnant 2, your archetype choice is a declaration of your playing style. Whether you favor brute force, tactical support, or guile and agility, there's an archetype that resonates with your battle cry. So choose wisely, brave traveler, and may your archetype steer you to victory against the untold horrors that await.
