Star Trek™ Fleet Command

Star Trek™ Fleet Command is an intricately designed strategy game set in the vast and sweeping universe of the well-loved Star Trek franchise. This engaging mobile game comes from the creative minds at Scopely and CBS Interactive. A true gem for Trekkies and strategists alike, the game offers players the chance to navigate through the galaxy as they expand their influence, research advancements, build and upgrade ships, and conduct deft diplomacy with familiar Starfleet and alien races.

Gameplay Experience

Star Trek™ Fleet Command's gameplay is truly immersive. It lets players explore strange new worlds, boldly going where no game has really gone before. The game uses Augmented Reality (AR) to create a map of the Star Trek universe, thus enabling players to command their starships across vast galactic distances. The game offers a leveled playing field to everyone, regardless of their Star Trek knowledge.

The gameplay essentially revolves around strategic planning, diplomacy, and combat. Players can recruit famous Star Trek characters as officers, each bringing their unique skill sets and abilities to enhance the fleet's performance. Ship battles require tactical combat strategies, and they are beautifully rendered, enhancing the gaming experience.

Uniqueness in the Galatic Lands of Gaming

What sets Star Trek™ Fleet Command apart from similar games in the genre is its open-world environment. Unlike being confined to linear missions, players are free to traverse Starfleet's territories and beyond at their discretion. The game is enriched by storylines from decades of Star Trek backgrounds and nuances.

The inclusion of familiar, beloved Star Trek characters in advisory roles and the presentation of iconic spaceships provide authentic Trek experiences. For instance, one could command the U.S.S. Enterprise, interact with Spock, or even deal with the rebellious Khan.

Chinks in the Starship Hull

Yet, no game is without its flaws. Its real-time strategy element can be challenging, requiring long hours of grinding or even pushing players towards in-app purchases to expedite progress. And while the open-world aspect adds depth to the game, some players might find it somewhat daunting due to the sheer size of the game’s universe.

Final Beam Out from Starfleet

In the end, Star Trek™ Fleet Command is a treat for die-hard Trekkies and strategy game enthusiasts. User impressions have overwhelmingly praised the detailed graphics, immersive gameplay, and the opportunity to take command in the iconic Star Trek universe. While there can be improvements in the pace of gameplay and in easing newer players into the open-world aspect, the game's charm is undeniable.



  • Immersive gameplay capturing the spirit of the Star Trek Universe
  • Detailed graphics and iconic ships and characters
  • Skillful blend of strategy and combat
  • Open-world exploration offering deep gaming experience


  • Grindy gameplay that might lead to in-app purchases
  • Open-world design can be overwhelming for new players
  • The pacing of the game could be improved

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